Aliaksandr Lukaenka revealed Friday that a total of 15 people had been arrested in the Belgazprombank case opened by the State Control Committee`s Department for Financial Investigations under his order.“Frankly speaking, I don’t know the details yet,” Mr. Lukaenka told reporters during his visit to Polack, Viciebsk region. “I don’t know the details of what is happening there. But it was me who gave this order to the head of the State Control Committee. Their financial police are dealing with the matter. Investigative activities are well underway.” “Even you, as journalists, might have seen this foreign bank’s illegal activities in Belarus,” Mr. Lukaenka said. “We have seen them too.” According to Mr. Lukaenka, he familiarized himself with the main evidence against Belgazprombank on his way to Polack. “What surprised me is that this rogue – I cannot call him any other way – claims he has nothing to do with this,” Mr. Lukaenka said, apparently referring to presidential hopeful Viktar Babaryka, who had chaired the board of Belgazprombank for two decades until May.“Listen, all of them were not just his deputies,” Mr. Lukaenka said. “They are one gang. We have seen this since 2016… Why are you dumping everything on them now? You were their head, and they were your deputies. Could the head be uninvolved in everything that was happening there? No.”There is evidence that “it was him who devised those schemes,” Mr. Lukaenka noted. “We have been investigating this bank and them since 2016,” Mr. Lukaenka said. “We discovered money laundering and their bank accounts and property abroad. In Cyprus. Bank accounts in Latvia and London. Although we had been asking foreign countries for information since 2016, they only gave it to us in December last year.” Mr. Lukaenka suggested asking “the person in question” why he had decided to run for president. “Why did he get into this? This is because he realized that they will knock on his door and will handcuff him,” he said. “And it is useful to be engaged in politics these days to become a prisoner of conscience. That’s why he got into this race. But this won’t help him.” Mr. Lukaenka pointed out that he was not going to put pressure on anyone in the run-up to the presidential election. “Otherwise they will be shouting that I am afraid of someone. I am not afraid of anyone!” he said. “This situation is not good for me, but it was necessary to stop these rogues because they had started to cover the traces.” Mr. Lukaenka noted that 15 people had been arrested in connection with the criminal case. “He does not understand that when his accomplices were thrown behind bars they already revealed everything yesterday evening,” he said. “They turned in $14,000 within two hours and then $600,000 or $800,000 later on. There are gold bars and paintings. They turned in everything right away to be spared. They were treated nicely. They are revealing everything. So he will have to reveal all this too. And I want him to get to the election. So that he comes and explains why he has property in Cyprus and how he managed to acquire it amid ‘Lukaenka’s dictatorship’, how he gave bribes and divided money… The Belarusians need to hear all this. And let them make their choice afterwards. But we won’t make him a prisoner of conscience.” According to Mr. Lukaenka, Interpol and foreign experts will be invited to examine the case files.“Russians, Americans and Europeans , and I will give them the documents,” he said. “Let them decide if our law enforcement agencies acted in accordance with our regulations. And those people will be held to account by law and will go to prison if necessary. Everyone is equal before the law.” According to Mr. Lukaenka, he asked a government official to tell Mr. Babaryka to reveal everything and return everything that he had “stolen.” “Maybe the court will take this into account,” he said. “And I ordered the SCC head who is dealing with this issue to tell the people everything so that it does not think that there are some artificial accusations. We do not need this.” источник »
Зона 51, расположенная в сердце пустыни Невады, остается одной из самых засекреченных военных баз в мире. Этот объект, официально известный как испытательный и тренировочный полигон ВВС Неллис, окружен строгими мерами безопасности, включая колючую проволоку, системы видеонаблюдения и вооруженных охранников. С момента его создания в середине XX века Зона 51 стала
Йеллоустонский супервулкан, расположенный в США, является одной из крупнейших вулканических систем Земли. Последнее крупное извержение произошло около 640 тысяч лет назад, а предыдущее — 1,3 миллиона лет назад.
Американские салаты являются отражением времени года и поэтому разнообразны. Некоторые салаты относятся к категории десертов и готовятся с различными фруктами. Однако есть салаты, в состав которых входит капуста, рис или куриное мясо, и они часто сопровождаются мясными блюдами.
Когда речь заходит о замках, вы, вероятно, представляете древние европейские крепости, но знаете ли вы, что есть несколько волшебных, мистических поместий, которые вы можете посетить прямо в США? Построенные эксцентричными американцами вместо средневековых членов королевской семьи, многие замки американского производства служат музеями или местами для проведения грандиозных мероприятий, с их
Бруклин расположен на западе острова Лонг Айленд. Это один из самых населенных городов американского штата Нью-Йорк. Бруклин нередко называют «спальней Нью-Йорка», так как большая часть его жителей днем работает в Нью-Йорке и возвращается только на ночь.
В мире существует бесчисленное количество мест, способных повергнуть человека в самый настоящий ужас, пробрать до самых костей с первого взгляда, казалось бы, беспричинным страхом. Такие места порой провоцируют людей на необъяснимые чувства, мысли, поступки.
США – это довольно крупная страна, имеющая на своей территории множество интересных и замечательных мест, удивляющих красотой природы и современностью конструктивных сооружений. Страна ярких красок и вкусов В этой стране много штатов и регионов, городов и провинций – такое разнообразие ошеломляет заядлых туристов и вносит в их жизнь яркие краски.